
Zippys venner er basert på forskning, og er effektevaluert mange ganger, i flere land. På den måten vet vi at programmet virker.

Resultatene fra de ulike studiene er overraskende like, og alle viser at barn som har hatt Zippys venner på skolen får:

  • bedre mestringsstrategier
  • økt sosial kompetanse
  • økt emosjonell kompetanse
  • bedre klassemiljø
  • mindre mobbing

Store, randomiserte studier er gjort i blant annet Norge, Danmark, Litauen, Irland, Nederland, England og i Tsjekkia.


  • Evaluation Report of Zippy’s Friends Program in the Czech Republic

    Land: Tsjekkia
    Årstall: 2016
    Utført av:
    University in Prague

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  • Chinese children’s perceptions of aggression among peers at school

    Land: Kina
    Årstall: 2015
    Utført av:
    Department of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

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  • Implementing a Universal Stress Management Program for Young School Children: Are there Classroom Climate or Academic Effects?

    Land: Norge
    Årstall: 2012
    Utført av:
    Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
    University of Oslo

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  • The effectiveness of a universal schoolbased programme on coping and mental health: a randomised, controlled study of Zippy’s Friends

    Land: Norge
    Årstall: 2012
    Utført av:
    Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Eastern and Southern Norway
    Department of Educational Research, University of Oslo

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  • An evaluation of the Zippy’s Friends emotional wellbeing programme for primary schools in Ireland

    Land: Irland
    Årstall: 2010
    Utført av: 

    Health Promotion Research Centre
    National University of Ireland Galway

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  • Effectiveness of a mental health promotion program to improve coping skills in young children: Zippy’s Friends

    Land: Norge og Canada
    Årstall: 2006
    Utført av:
    Psychology Department, Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide and Euthanasia (CRISE)
    University of Quebec at Montreal
    Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Oslo, Norway

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